Luke Deratzou

Welcome to my portfolio website! I have included my resume and projects, along with a brief page with my interests. The projects on this site include source code and discussions on my experiences. If you have any questions or wish to hear more about a particular part of my portfolio, please reach out to me.

Picture of Luke Deratzou

My bitmoji!
About Me

My name is Luke Deratzou, a college student majoring in Computer Science. I've programmed for many years, mastering numerous languages. I've developed many projects such as websites and games. Outside of coding, I play instruments and video games.

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Resume Clipart

My resume includes everything you need to know about me, including my education, employment background, and portfolio highlights. The resume is constantly changing as I continue my college journey and expand my experiences in computer science.

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Programming Clipart

I have completed many programming projects, both inside and outside of class. My main projects include an iOS app made in Swift, a dynamic website using JavaScript, and multiple video games made in Unity.

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Social Media Clipart
Contact Information

I encourage you to get in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns. I have a Linkedin profile and email address for professional communications and social media links for more casual contexts.

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