About Me


My name is Luke Deratzou, a college student majoring in Computer Science. I've programmed for many years, mastering numerous languages. I've developed many projects such as websites and games. Outside of coding, I play instruments and video games.


I like music a lot. Not just listening to music (where I enjoy pretty much every genre), but I also love playing. I have played the Viola for over a decade. I have also played the piano in the past, and am currently working on improving my skills with a keyboard.

One of my favorite pastimes is a trading card game called Magic: the Gathering. The game has been a big part of my life, as I have met many friends through it, along with developing my communication skills and play as an inspiration for developing my first website.

Running has been an enjoyment for me over the past several years. It has helped me meet people and destress, especially after a tricky programming problem. While I was never a top runner at my high school, I kept at it and eventually made the varsity team my junior and senior years.

I have done more traveling over the past couple of years and hope to do more as I age. One of the more interesting places I have visited is Melbourne, Australia for a study abroad trip. While there, I lived in the central business district, so I got to explore the city. I also visitied nearby places including Sydney, Cairnes, Tasmania, and New Zealand.

Another hobby is cooking. I started cooking with roommates my sophomore year, and since then I have continued doing it on my own. I primarly cook various chicken dishes, usually focusing on Italian, Mexican, and Chinese cuisines. As I improve, I hope to learn to cook more things from scratch, such as homemade pasta and more ethnic dishes.

I also enjoy playing video games, mainly games that I play with friends. My favorite games include League of Legends, VALORANT, Magic the Gathering Arena, and Minecraft.

Finally, a more recent hobby of mine is being into consumer electronics. After building my first computer in late 2020, I have taken a lot of interest in the space, keeping up with news. I also have done tinkerings on my computer (such as a thermal pad replacement on a 3080), alongside helping my brother build his first computer.


MtG Club Logo
Magic the Gathering Club

I play Magic the Gathering with my fellow classmates in this club. I have met many people through this organization. I am currently the Vice President of the club!

UPE Logo

UPE is the computer science honor society at WPI. From there, I have participated in their general body meetings along with community service events such as mock interviews and helping with the career fair.

CTC Logo
Computer and Technology Club

This club focuses on consumer electronics, both on talking about new additions and playing around with hardware. I have attended meetings and have chatted with their members about the industry.

Running Club
Running Club

I've been doing cross country since middle school, so I decided to continue my passion at WPI! It has helped me meet new people and get some nice exercise.