“This course explores the computational aspects of network information systems as embodied by the World Wide Web (WWW). Topics include: languages for document design, programming languages for executable content, scripting languages, design of WWW based human/computer interfaces, client/server network architecture models, high level network protocols (e.g., http), WWW network resource discovery and network security issues. Students in this course will be expected to complete a substantial software project (e.g., Java based user interface, HTML/CGI based information system, WWW search mechanisms). Recommended background: CS 2102, CS 2103, or CS 2119; and CS 3013.”
CS 4241 was a course that focused less on theoretical concepts and more on industry web development, starting with a simple Node JS server with a barebones frontend. By the end of the course, I created websites using an industry stack of Express/React/MongoDB with complementary libraries such as Bootstrap and Passport. The final project was designing a custom website, using these concepts learned, with a team of four students.